
The Glymphatic System
The glymphatic system is a macroscopic waste clearance system or pathway that utilizes a unique system of perivascular tunnels, formed by astroglial cells or astrocytes (glia cells that connect neurons...
The Glymphatic System
The glymphatic system is a macroscopic waste clearance system or pathway that utilizes a unique system of perivascular tunnels, formed by astroglial cells or astrocytes (glia cells that connect neurons...

Low Back Pain and the Brain
Are Functional Brain Alterations Present in Low Back Pain? A Systematic Review of EEG Studies Stijn Schouppe (UGent) , Sophie Van Oosterwijck (UGent) , Lieven Danneels (UGent) , Stefaan Van Damme (UGent) and Jessica Van Oosterwijck (UGent) This review presents an overview of...
Low Back Pain and the Brain
Are Functional Brain Alterations Present in Low Back Pain? A Systematic Review of EEG Studies Stijn Schouppe (UGent) , Sophie Van Oosterwijck (UGent) , Lieven Danneels (UGent) , Stefaan Van Damme (UGent) and Jessica Van Oosterwijck (UGent) This review presents an overview of...

Joint Receptors (Beside Pain Receptors)
Receptors Where What Threshold Information Type I In the superficial layers of the joint capsule Mechanoreceptors, responding to static and dynamic stimulation Slow Position of joint. Contribution to regulation muscle...
Joint Receptors (Beside Pain Receptors)
Receptors Where What Threshold Information Type I In the superficial layers of the joint capsule Mechanoreceptors, responding to static and dynamic stimulation Slow Position of joint. Contribution to regulation muscle...

Eagle Syndrome (Stylohyoid Syndrome)
Eagle Syndrome The Eagle syndrome is a condition that is characterized by pain in the mouth, throat, head, neck and face. The pain is caused by calcification and hardening of...
Eagle Syndrome (Stylohyoid Syndrome)
Eagle Syndrome The Eagle syndrome is a condition that is characterized by pain in the mouth, throat, head, neck and face. The pain is caused by calcification and hardening of...

Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) (Also called muscle fever or post-exercise muscle soreness) DOMS can be mild (a few days of significant discomfort and disconcerting weakness is roughly the worst case...
Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) (Also called muscle fever or post-exercise muscle soreness) DOMS can be mild (a few days of significant discomfort and disconcerting weakness is roughly the worst case...