1. Are there books on visceral osteopathy?
    1. Yes, but they are embedded in the books "Scientific Osteopathic Approach to Patients with Low Back Pain"; "Scientific Osteopathic Approach to Patients with Cervical Pain" and " Scientific Osteopathic Approach to Patients with Abdominal Complaints". This is because visceral osteopathy doesn't stand on its own as a therapy form.
  2. Why aren't the books structured by body part?
    1. Because the books are structured by patient complaints. This much more useful because that is what we get presented in daily practice.
  3. Can the book content immediately be used in practice?
    1. Yes, but the tests and techniques must be trained to get the skills in your routine.
  4. Can a physiotherapist also use the practical information in the books?
    1. Yes, physiotherapists also see patients with pain and complaints and their basic training was also hands-on.
  5. Is everything in the books proven scientifically?
    1. No, but everything has been checked through several scientific search engines for proof and evidence. Unfortunately, as in medicine not everything is proven but the effect and results of tests and techniques that are not scientifically proven are based on basic medical sciences such as biomechanics, pathology, anatomy, neurology.
    1. Why isn't there a book on craniosacral osteopathy?
      1. First of all, craniosacral osteopathy isn't a separate treatment option.
      2. Secondary, most of the underlying theory of craniosacral osteopathy is scientifically proven wrong such as the craniosacral rhythm.
      3. There are however some valuable elements in that system such as the stimulation of the vagus system in the upper cervical region and the mechanics of the temporomandibular joints in relation to the skull. Also in some newborn treating the upper cervical joints gently and without manipulations, development of the baby can be stimulated. These benefits are describes in the books "Posturology and its Scientific Osteopathic Approach", "Cerebrospinal Fluid and its Influence on Health" and "Understanding the Autonomic Nervous System and its Scientific Osteopathic Approach"
    2. Are the books available 24/7?
      1. Yes.
    3. Are the books available for ever?
      1. Basically for 2 years. If you want to prolong, just send me a mail: info@osteopathybooks.com 
    4. When a new book is published, does it come for free in the Bundle?
      1. Yes.
    5. What is the community?
      1. The community is a platform where therapists (that bought the Osteopathy Bundle) can exchange ideas, where I publish new articles on regular basis and where discussions on patients' approaches can lead to new insights. 
    6. Is the community available separate from the Bundle?
      1. No.
    7. Are there no exams and certificates when you finished a book?
      1. Not yet, will be available from February 2025.
    8. Are the books downloadable?
      1. No, because the many streaming video's can't come with downloads.
      2. I also want to avoid illegal spreading of the books.
      3. Most articles are downloadable.
    9. Can you print the books?
      1. No, this would be too expensive.
    10. Can you read the books on smartphone?
      1. Yes, but to be honest, they are better (bigger screen) on laptop or tablet.
    11. Can I use every browser to read the books?
      1. Yes, but CHROME  is the best in speed, clarity and styling.