Would you recognize the signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion? You might think they're the same thing, but heatstroke is more serious; it's a medical emergency that requires immediate help.
Heat exhaustion: Nausea or vomiting; heavy sweating; dizziness; weakness or tiredness; headache; fainting; cold, pale, clammy skin; muscle cramps and a fast or weak pulse.
What to do: If you have symptoms of heat exhaustion, move to a cool place, loosen your clothes, sip water and put cool, wet cloths on your body or take a cool bath. Seek medical help if you're throwing up, your symptoms get worse or they last more than an hour, the CDC advises.
Heat stroke: Body temperature of 103 degrees (Fahrenheit - 39,4 Celsius) or higher; confusion; nausea; fainting; fast, strong pulse; hot, red, dry or damp skin; headache and dizziness
What to do: If you have symptoms of heat stroke, call 911 immediately. Move to a cool place and use cool cloths to help bring body temperature down. Do not drink anything; do not give a person with heat stroke symptoms anything to drink.