Clinical Cases in the Osteopathic Practice Osteopathybooks

Clinical Cases in the Osteopathic Practice

Clinical Cases in the Osteopathic Practice

Introduction to the clinical cases

These clinical cases will help you to understand the osteopathic principles in assessing and treating patients.

Read the presentation of the clinical case and try to determine:

  • The complaint causing structure(s).
  • Whether you have to ask further questions.
  • Is the safety guaranteed?
  • What would be your treatment goals and treatment?

Do this before reading further or opening the videos.

There are now 25 clinical cases  and I will add several clinical cases per week.

The tests and techniques described in the clinical cases can be found in my books.


Clinical Cases in the Osteopathic Practice

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1 comment

WOW that’s awesome. Am very much interested.

Thompson Adjakah

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