Cerebrospinal Fluid Movement (CSF) Osteopathybooks

Cerebrospinal Fluid Movement (CSF)

CSF movement is characterized by both circulatory and fluctuant movements:

• Circulatory movement due to hydrostatic pressure gradients occurs primarily with CSF secretion at the choroid plexuses, and with CSF resorption at the arachnoid granulations.
• The fluctuates is in a rhythmic ebb and flow in both the cranium and the spinal canal.

CSF is continuously secreted by the choroid plexus with a stabile composition and propelled along the neuroaxis from the site of secretion to the site of absorption.

This propelling is done by the rhythmic systolic pulse wave within the choroidal arteries.

It is scientifically not clear whether it concerns a real flow, an absorption/resorption process along the whole central nervous system or a combination of both.

Some other systems help the movement of the CSF but to a lesser extend:

• Respirational frequency.
• Posture.
• Venous pressure in the jugular vein.
• Physical effort of the individual.
• Even time of the day (sleep, rest or active).

To know more about the CSF and how to influence its quality: CLICK ON THE IMAGE

 Cerebral spinal fluid

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