Treating hypoxemia dominates the treatment of hypoxia Osteopathybooks

Treating hypoxemia dominates the treatment of hypoxia

Treating hypoxemia in patients is more important than treating local hypoxia

Hypoxemia is a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood. There is a general low oxygen supply to the body.

Hypoxia is defined by a reduced level of tissue oxygenation.

This is interesting for osteopaths because we have to consider as well:

  • The oxygenation of the body and the complaint area.
  • The antioxidants presence in the patients’ body.

When we improve oxygenation, we increase the oxidative stress and the patient must be able to counter this with sufficient antioxidants.

This means that when we only improve vascularization and oxygenation in the complaint region in patients with lots of oxidative stress (such as in chronic inflammatory disease) the reaction will be counterproductive. It could even induce more complaints, more hypoxia and reactions in other body parts such as chills, headaches, tiredness, even fever (reactions after wrong treatment).

Therefore: when there are somatic dysfunctions in the upper thoracics related to lung and heart dysfunction: treat this first, whatever the complaints are.


The Scientific Osteopathic Approach To Vascularization And Oxygen Supply In Patients


Vascularization and oxygenation in an osteopathic treatment

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