It concerns the feeling as if your heart skips a beat or the feeling that your heart beats too fast or too hard or that it is fluttering rapidly.
Palpitations aren’t always harmful, but they can be worrisome if you’ve never experienced them before. For many people, the unusual beats will end and go away entirely on their own.
Heart palpitations can occur when you’re standing, sitting, or lying down. You may feel these unusual sensations in your chest, neck, or even your throat.
If the palpitation goed together with:
• chest pain or discomfort
• severe shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• dizziness and nausea
• fainting
this is a medical emergency.
The possible causes for palpitation are:
• Emotional stress.
• Pregnancy.
• Anxiety.
• Drugs (heroin, cocaine, amphetamines).
• Hormonal changes.
• Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine.
• Food supplements.
• Illness with fever and dehydratation.
• Some allergies.
• Strong physical activity.
• Some medication (diet pills, decongestants, cold and cough medication.
• Low blood sugar.
• Low blood pressure.
• Thyroid disease.
• Disturbance in the electrolyte balance. Most of these electrolytes are best obtained from foods. Avocados, bananas, sweet potatoes, and spinach are great sources of potassium. To increase your intake of calcium, eat more dark leafy greens and dairy products. Dark leafy greens are also a great source of magnesium, and so are nuts and fish. Most people get enough sodium in their diet.
• Heart disease:
o Arrythmia.
o Prior heart attack.
o Coronary disease.
o Heart valve diseases.
o Heart failure.
Treatment for heart palpitations depends on the cause. For most people, palpitations will go away on their own, without any treatment. For others, treating the underlying cause of the palpitations can help stop or prevent them.
Stimulating the vagus nerve can be a helping treatment.